PAPS security guidelines and best practices

This document provides important security related guidelines and best practices for both development projects and system integrations. The following two main topics are covered:

Security best practices for PAPS integrations
Information security guidelines for developers

Request URL

Reply and error codes

All unsuccessful queries will return a code other than 200

The list of codes explaining only the errors of the services and not the errors from the Developer application :

  • 200 Successful: The request was successful.
  • 400 Bad request : The request cannot continue because it is missing a mandatory parameter. Check that you have set all parameters to execute the request.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The authentication of the request did not go well. You did not include the security key that allows us to authenticate you.
  • 402 Unknown key: The security key in the request is incorrect. Please check that the key is the one that was sent to you by email.
  • 502 Bad gateway: The request cannot be fulfilled at this time. Please try again later

Following these tasks

The API restores, from the shipment number, the history of the known follow-up statuses for the following services:

creation tasks
view tasks
get rate.
It allows a simple integration and a harmonized follow-up of the statuses of these various products. The "event" object gathers the events linked to the flashings of a sending by our services during its routing. These events, which can be redundant, carry codes useful to your information systems.

Terms definition

Definitions of key terms

Security Scheme TypeTerms definition
Authorization URL
Bearer Token
token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
key terms
* S
* M
* L
* XL
A little wider
Very large